- 12 Dec 2023
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User Setup
- Updated on 12 Dec 2023
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In Admire, go to Tools -> Administration -> User Accounts
If the user does not exist, go to Tools -> Administration -> User Quick Entry and add the User before going back to the Tools -> Administration -> User Accounts screen
- Add the user’s email address in the usr_email column
- Click Apply
- Go to Tools -> Administration -> User Permissions and assign the user the correct permissions. (i.e. Bookkeeper would need "Adrenaline Record to Accounting" if using QBs online intergration, for teachers/principals see User Setup - Teachers)
Create the Login on Adrenaline
- Open your organization’s website (organization.admirepro.org) and sign in.
Only users set up as Admins can add new users and** only when they are signed in with the extra security email password** [Adapt code]
o Click on your username on the upper right-hand corner -> Create Logins.
o Select the User by checking the box next to his/her name on the list.
o Select the box next to the word "Products" on the top of the screen:
Pick the parts of Adrenaline (Products) that this user should have access to, you may select more then one.
o Click Create.
- The user will receive an email with a temporary password and will be able to login and reset the password.
Staying Signed In
- To stay signed in to Adrenaline for about a week at a time make sure to check off the following TWO "Remember me/this device?" boxes:
- After about a week of staying signed into Adrenaline, a message will pop up ‘Session expired.’ Click on your username > logout and re-sign back in.
System Settings
The following settings can be modified by contacting your Admire Consultant:
- The security email password [Adapt code] that is sent when a user logs in can be disabled.
- The number of login attempts before a user is locked out is defaulted to three, this can be changed.