- 24 May 2023
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Attendance Entry
- Updated on 24 May 2023
- 4 Minutes to read
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Entering Attendance
There are four ways to enter attendance in Admire:
- Single Entry
- Quick Entry
- Attendance Grid
- Student Browser – Attendance Tab
To add attendance records for 1 student (ex: A single student comes to the office) go to:
School > Attendance > Single Entry
Single Attendance Entry Screen
- Select Date and student
- Sessions for this student will appear on the screen
- Enter Type (i.e.- Absent), Status (i.e.- excused) and Reason (i.e.- Doctor appointment) Note: To add more Attendance reasons, enter them in the List Editor (Tools > List Editor > Editable Lists > Attendance Reasons)
- Select the appropriate sessions and Save by selecting one of the following options:
- "Save, Print and New"- to save, print a late note, and allow for the next entry. * See Note about Late Note Printers
- "Save and New"- will save and allow for the next attendance entry
- "Save and close"- will save and close the screen
To enter numerous attendance records (ex: many students from one class come to the office or attendance sheets from a teacher need to be entered) go to:
School > Attendance > Quick Entry
- Select the Date to see all sessions offered on that day (You can also narrow down further by selecting a class)
- You can search for a session more easily by filtering a field (i.e.- American History)
- Click on a session to bring up the list of students in that class
- Update the attendance with type, status, reason and notes (optional)
- Select the student that you would like to apply this attendance information to
Click OK to close the window or Apply to keep window open to enter attendance for another session.
You can also click on 'save and print' to print a late note with multiple students on it.
* See Note about Late Note Printers
*Admire allows for late notes to be printed using a dedicated late note printer. To select your late note printer, press the Printer Setup button in the upper right corner of the attendance entry screen. Press the Printer button on the Page Setup dialog. If there is no printer option (Windows Vista, Windows 7), you can set it using the User Options as well. The preferred late note printer can be set per user.
The Attendance Grid is used to enter or view daily attendance. (ex: from full day attendance sheets)
Open the Attendance grid by going to:
School > Attendance > Attendance Grid
- Date- choose date of attendance records- by default, today's date will be loaded
- Choose the correct term from the drop down list. Use the hammer icon to set the default term so it will be preset for future use.
- Optional: Load attendance for the selected grade and/or class. Otherwise, all students will be loaded on the screen.
- Optional: Class Type. Choose Hebrew or English to load courses per class type. Otherwise, all courses for the day will be loaded on the screen.
- "Flag Options" are used to flag selected courses. For example, if Mrs. Cohen is using the Attendance Grid to enter her attendance records, she wants to easily see which sessions are for the courses that she teaches.
Click on the Flag Option link to select the course from the course list. This will highlight all sessions in pink.
- Load
- To record attendance, simply click in the selected box for the student's session. The Attendance Text will fill starting with the first attendance type.
Example: Assuming you have 3 attendance types, Absent (A), Late (L), Cut (C)- each click will change the attendance type. For a lateness, click twice.
Attendance Status is color coded:
- Red = Unexcused
- Green = Excused
- Yellow = Pending
You can also right click to choose the attendance type or status from the list.
- Default Status- which default status should be saved with the attendance record? Excused, Unexcused or Pending. Click on the hammer
to set the default. Each attendance type can have a predefined default status. Click on the
to set or lookup the Attendance types that were created from the List editor.
- You can override the default status by right clicking on the attendance record to choose a different status from the list.
Save the Attendance Records by clicking on 'Save'. After saving, the screen will reload with the data submitted.
Understanding the color codes
When you load the grid, color codes are used to easily read the sessions loaded.
- 'Course Flag'- the courses that are flagged, as selected from the 'Flag options'. 'Private' - private sessions marked.
- note: you must set the user option for "Attendance on Private Sessions". If true, the attendance record will be saved on the private session instead of the main session. (See User Options).
- Conflict- if two sessions overlap in a student's schedule
- Not Enrolled- The student is not enrolled in a course at the alluded time.
- To Delete- to indicate that a previously entered record will be deleted when attendance grid is saved (this will appear when 'clear' has been selected for an attendance entry).
Understanding Full Day Absence
A full day absence is used to mark all the student's sessions of the day as absent.
Example: Yehudis Stern is absent from school today and missed Hebrew, Math, Science and English sessions today. An absence will need to be recorded for all four courses. A Full day absence will mark all four courses as absent at once.
By filling one session, such as Science as 'Full Day absence', the other three sessions will be filled as well.
To set up an attendance code to work properly as a Full day absence, the User Option called 'Full day absence code' should be set (Tools > User Options > Preferences > School > Attendance > System Preferences (tab) > Full Day Absence Code).
Attendance can be entered from a student's record in the Student Browser.
1. Select the 'Attendance' tab [School > Student > (Select a student) > Attendance (tab)]
2. Select 'New' to enter a new attendance record.