- 20 Sep 2024
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Basic Filters for a School
- Updated on 20 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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Here are sample filters for a school:
1. Current Registration
2. Current Registration Term Prompt:
3. Staff Department Prompt:
4. All Staff accounts:
5. Association Code Prompt:
6. Tel Number Association Prompts:
7. If they have specific Associations or Tel Associations then create filters that will pull them ups specifically vs prompts above.
In student browser:
8. Term Prompt9. Term & Grade Prompt also did a plain Grade Prompt
10. Term & Class Prompt also did a plain class prompt
11.First & Last Name Prompt:
12. in Staff browser:
13. PTC filter for auto scheduler:
14. Current Grandparents only: subquery is this:
15. Current Grandparents and Great-grandparents:
On Course Lookup:
16. Term Prompt
17. Grade Prompt
18. Class Prompt
19. Department Prompt
20.Subject Prompt
21. Teacher Prompt
Class maintenance:
22. Added a Term Prompt
23. added term and class prompt
24. added Term and grade prompt
Forms Admin Screen:
25. Forms Type & Status Prompt
26. Form Prompt
27. Status Prompt
28. Date required prompt
29. Date Received:
Communication screen:
1. Added Tel type like %cell%:
- to all filters (can make in Advanced and then just add easily to all)
- To staff filters:
- subquery: