Enrolling Students
- 16 Feb 2023
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Enrolling Students
- Updated on 16 Feb 2023
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Enrolling students refers to putting them into a course.
After courses have been created, and students have been registered to the term and are in their respective classes, you can enroll students in a course.
This can be done for individual students, one at a time, or multiple students at once.
Enrolling multiple students in multiple courses:
Enrollments can be entered from multiple screens:
- Course Brower, enrollment tab
- School >> Enrollment
- Student Browser, enrollment tab
- Student Advancement Wizard
Select the term, grade and class
- Click on "Refresh List" to bring up a list of all students registered and all courses offered for this term and grade.
- Select the correct students and courses for the enrollment that you are processing.
- Click on "Enroll"
You now have enrollments for the selected session listed under the "Enrollments"
If you were to choose the enrollment tab under the course that you had just set up, you would see a list of students that you had just enrolled in this course.
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