Basic Explanation of Filter Sections and the Entity Dropdown
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Basic Explanation of Filter Sections and the Entity Dropdown

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00:00 Welcome back to filters training in this video. We're going to go over the basic components of the filter builder and we're going to explain how to use them on a very basic level.

00:11 So we said in our first video when you retrieve data in admire, you have to do two things, you have to tell the system what fields to pull and then you want to narrow that down, let's say you take a pledge list like I chose over here, it's a list of pledges.

00:28 One by one in theory, if you don't filter, it'll show you a list of every single pledge that was ever made to your organization that's recorded in a mile.

00:35 And by each pledge, it tells you pledge information, the amount, the occasion and various other parts of pledge information. And it also shows you next to each pledge, the account information of the account that made that pledge, we're telling admire that the fields we wanted to show us are pledge list

00:55 fields, pledge information and and account information. Let's build a filter. So the first thing we'll do as we said is, well, give the filter a name, group and mark private, we'll discuss on later videos, they're not so integral.

01:08 And once we select the section, for instance, if, if which is accounts, we'll be able to select the basic tab and create a basic filter.

01:17 So we're not going to discuss advanced and text equal editor in this video, we'll discuss these components, the filter section and the components of the basic tab.

01:26 So, so let's, let's read the sentence of this filter. This criteria set will query, which means this filter will pull any records, which have pledges that meet the criteria of amount equals $500.

01:43 So this filter will pull records with pledges of $500. Now, there's a missing link over here because what has to have a pledge of $500, which records need to meet this criteria.

01:59 This criteria set will query the criteria for any records, which have a single pledge, which meets the following credit. What, what records have to meet that criteria, the, the pledge list has to meet it.

02:10 The pledge list is a report. It's not, it doesn't meet criteria. The, the accounts, the pledges, they're, they're not the same thing.

02:19 Let's say, you say, this criteria, this filter will pull all accounts accounts, which have pledges of $500. That would mean that as long as the account ever had a pledge of $500, it's going to come into our, our report.

02:38 And if that's all we filter by, that would mean that we would see all pledges for accounts that ever gave $500.

02:45 We wouldn't just see $500 pledges. We would see $1 pledges, a million dollar pledges, $400 pledges. We would see all pledges because we're saying you get to come to our report.

02:59 If you have a pledge of $500, we're saying if you're an account and you're going to be pulled in our report.

03:07 If you have a pledge of $500, you get to come. So once you're there, you'll come with all your pledges that the report is a pledge list.

03:15 There's no reason why you shouldn't come with all of your pledges. Now, if we say this exact same filter, but we do it for pledges, so we would say this filter will pull all pledges that have pledges of $500.

03:30 Well, that would mean all pledges whose pledge information is $500, meaning all pledges of $500. Then that would mean that you're canceling out quite a lot more pieces of data than you were canceling out if you just said that you only want to pull accounts that have a pledge of $500.

03:50 Because now you're saying you actually only want to see pledges of $500. You only want to allow a pledge onto the report if it's in the amount of $500, which means for sure it's on an account that gave $500 because it is $500.

04:06 But none of the other pledges on the account are going to be shown only pledges of $500. So there's a very big difference when you're deciding what section to put your filter on.

04:20 Now, this actually leads to many issues when people don't understand the filter sections. They think that they could put the same filter on any section.

04:29 It doesn't matter. They kind of view the section as just like a random first step to allow the system to let you click on the basic tab.

04:39 But but it's not. The filter sections are actually super important. They make a huge difference. When you pick a filter section, that is one of the most important parts of the entire filter because you're really saying you're not even talking about this grade or all these little fields that you'll fill

04:58 out. You're really talking about this word, which is which is just here just printed. What does this mean for any records.

05:08 What records. What records have to meet these this criteria. What records account records, pledge records. What records have to meet this criteria.

05:17 And you have to realize that it it really won't mean the same thing. If you say an account record meets pledge criteria or a pledge record meets pledge criteria.

05:26 They don't mean the same thing. Now, the sections also a way of now, ring down what options you'll have to filter by over here.

05:35 So let's discuss really what these components are. When we read a filter, let's say we've chosen the filter section account filter going to create over here has pledges in the amount of $500.

05:49 That's going to be a filter on the account section. Now, what what do each of these things mean? This filter will pull record.

05:56 Now, we said that that means we'll pull account records which have so you can choose have or do not have a single pledges.

06:05 So what is this first box? This gives you a lot of different options. You can choose accounts add summary additional account details address summary addresses default addresses ads affiliates and many many many more options over here.

06:21 So, so what are these? So this is the entity that the filter is going to use. We're filtering the account section by what what what entity are we going to say, oh, if that entity matches the following criteria, then let the account in to our report.

06:43 What entity are we going to say, oh, we want to find telephone numbers that meet certain criteria, we want to find email addresses that meet certain criteria and based on if they meet that criteria, we will allow the account through to our report.

06:59 So this is the entity that you're going to use to filter. We're filtering by addresses we're filtering by pledges so let's stick with pledges as we had before now it's actually funny calls it pledges, but really it should be pledge.

07:12 It's really just the name of the entity the name of the entity is pledges because you're going to filter by pledges, but when you actually read the sentence it's really pledge.

07:23 This criteria set will query for any records which have a single pledge, which means at least a single pledge, which meets the following criteria.

07:32 So what are these next three fields. So what criteria does the pledge have to meet to allow the accountant. Well criteria, we can choose a lot of other things as you can see on the drop down we can say it was entered by a certain person in an entire we can filter by the date we can filter by many many

07:52 things. So let's let's choose as as we had before the amount the amount of the pledge. This filter will pull any account records which have at least one single pledge we're in the amount equals $500.

08:08 So what are these fields. So this field is really saying what actual field are we going to use to say, Oh, if that field matches what I want, then let the accountant and you can choose anyone and then state here in this filter what you want it to equal.

08:25 So we're going to filter by the entity pledge that's the entity we're going to use we're going to say that entity has to meet certain criteria and we're going to say what what criteria.

08:36 Well, what field are we going to use what field are we going to say that field has to equal something well, we chose the amount field and we're saying it equals $500.

08:46 So this is the field and this is what it has to equal now keep in mind that depending on the filter section that you chose you will get an entirely different list of entities to choose from the system allows you to filter by entities that have to be to do with that section we don't assume that you're

09:12 filtering the pledge section by if there's a teacher on the account that the pledge came from so it's not going to be in this drop down if we go to the we're not expecting you to do that so that actually would entail sub querying which is a much more advanced part of filtering and we'll discuss it on

09:46 a leader video now what you will have in this drop down sometimes it'll match for instance now we're in pledges you have accounts addresses in an account also you have accounts and addresses although you have more in between but you definitely have accounts and addresses it's an alphabetical order so

10:05 you have some additional account details and address summary which you do not have by pledges so to sum up you select the you'll pull all accounts that have this entity meeting this criteria and then you actually fill in the criteria and what it should equal the field that's a part of this entity and

10:37 what it should actually equal now we're coming to the close of this video and there's so much so much more to talk about we haven't even exception for an entity that mimics the name of the filter section so by accounts there is an entity called accounts and by pledges there's as we saw an entity called

11:07 pledges so whenever you see the same word on the filter section and on the drop down it really means that we're going more basic we're saying we're not even going to pick an entity that has to do with that filter section rather we're talking about the thing itself one last point and I'll leave you with

11:26 this but this point is very important to understand to really start getting a grasp of the filters we always need to read the sentence the sentence is the filter so if you say this criteria set will query for any records which have a single pledge you don't even need to fill out the script you almost

11:51 all was well but you don't even need to this is already a complete sentence this filter will pull any account records were on the account section now any account records which have at least one single pledge so that's the answer is that we're going to that will mean that any account that has any pledge

12:09 will come through if it doesn't have a pledge of all come through you don't even need to read which meets the following criteria and then fill in the criteria this itself is a filter this criteria set will call for any records which have a single pledge that's a filter you could also do do not have 

12:27 a single pledge but I'm easily don't have a pledge but most times of course you're going to say a pledge which meets the following criteria and select the field of field that you wanna make the criteria on in our next video we're going to actually get a little bit simpler and we're going to really discuss

12:45 how the squared works and what the difference squares are for practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice has won.

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