How to Run a Report
- 24 Jan 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
How to Run a Report
- Updated on 24 Jan 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
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How to Run a Report:
- Go to Reports -> Report Wizard or Select the Report Wizard icon
- The Report Wizard screen opens with a 5 step process:
Step 1: Choose An Action:
- Being that you are running a report, leave the Run Report selected.
Step 2: Choose a Report...
- In this step you select the report that you would like.
- You can select from the dropdown menu
- An easier way to search is to use the "Smart Search Tool" which looks like a magnifying glass and is located at the end of the dropdown:
- Start to type in the box under the words "Smart Search" and the list will get narrowed down by what you type
- Select the report you want and hit the "OK" button.
- Start to type in the box under the words "Smart Search" and the list will get narrowed down by what you type
- Many reports have a Sample that you can view to see what the report looks like and an Overview with report details.
- To view the Sample and/or Overview... you can select the buttons on the right side
- To view the Sample and/or Overview... you can select the buttons on the right side
Step 3: Choose a Filter...
- This can be the most complex part of your report. You need to create a filter to tell Admire which data to pull on the report.
- Running a report without any filter will bring up all the information possible for that report.
- Many reports come with their own inherent prompts and will ask you for some information before the report can run.
- To learn more about setting up filters please watch our filter video series.
- You can use the dropdown list or the Smart Search to look for previously made filters.
- Use the "New" button to create a New filter.
- Use the "Edit" button to edit a previously created filter.
- Use the "Copy..." button to copy an existing filter.
- It will prompt you to rename the copy.
- Type in a new name and hit "OK".
Step 4: Name Your Report...
- This step in not necessary, the report can run with out having a name.
- Use the white box to type in any name you choose if you wish to do so.
Step 5: Process...
- This step has a few options to choose from:
- Azure Web Browser:
- Azure Desktop:
- Azure Web Browser:
- If your report and/or filter has prompts, you will be prompted for the information when doing this step.Note:Downloading/Saving/Printing reports can vary whether you are on Azure Web Browser or Azure Desktop
Learn more about this by reading: A: Download/Save/Upload on Azure Browser and B: Download/Save/Upload on Azure Desktop - Preview:
- Generates a report you can view and then save or print.
- Save/Download:
- Azure Web Browser = Download
- Download the report to your personal Downloads folder.
- Azure Desktop = Save
- Choose where to save the report before it generates.
- Azure Web Browser = Download
- Print...
- Send the report to print - without previewing.
- Email...
- Send the report as an email attachment - without previewing.
- Automate...
- Use Advisor to Automate the report - learn more about this here.
- Cover Sheet...
- Generate a cover sheet for your report with report and filter details.
- This will generate like the "Preview" option.
- Generate a cover sheet for your report with report and filter details.
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