Marking Element Groups / Subgroups
  • 20 Oct 2023
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Marking Element Groups / Subgroups

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Article summary

Create the Marking Element Groups 

These are the sections or headers on a report card  

Go to School >> Setup >> Marks >> Marking Element Groups 

Choose a Group Name (name that will display as marking element group header on the report card) 

Use Number Marks – Select if the teacher can use a number mark for marking elements in this group. 

Mark Choices – List the available options for marks that will be entered to marking elements in this group (i.e. A+,A,A-).  


Create Marking Element Subgroups: 
Subgroups will let you have groups under your main group.  

You can create subgroups in the same screen as the marking element groups, (School > Setup > Marks > Marking Element groups) 

To create a subgroup, you will name it the marking element group name: subgroup name. For example, English: Literature (Where English is the group name, and Literature is the subgroup under English) 

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