• 05 Sep 2022
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Article summary


NCOA (National Change of Address) is now built into Admire. NCOA updates the addresses in your database by transmitting the list of addresses and returns the results directly back into Admire. You can then easily update moves and coded addresses. There are two steps to the process. First, determine which addresses to transmit for NCOA check. The next step is to process the results received and update addresses accordingly.

A minimum of 100 addresses are required to transmit for NCOA update. As the system is transmitting for NCOA, DPV (delivery point validation) is also being checked. If the address is not valid, it will need to be corrected before being able to retransmit for NCOA update. 

Step by Step

A. Transmit NCOA Requests:

Open Tools- Data Maintenance- Addresses- Transmit NCOA requests

1. The default lookup is 'Address lookup for NCOA Update'.

2. Filter- Filter the account or addresses to lookup for NCOA Update. See Understanding Filters to learn more.

3. Select Addresses to transmit. Use the Select all/Deselect all or Invert selection buttons.

4. Start with creating a new list.                    

A minimum of 100 addresses are required to transmit. If your list count quantity is less than 100, you can add to existing list any time until the next midnight (i.e. For a List started on June 1, the list could be added to until June 2 11:59PM).

5. Click on to start processing the results.

6. Click on the to check the status of your list.

The NCOA List information displays the ticket number, total quantity, available quantity of addresses already transmitted, expiration date and if it has expired.

There are two links to forms that need to be submitted to the postal service for better rates on NCOA checked addresses: CASS report, NCOALink report.

7. To submit more addresses and add it to the list that you've created, select 'Add to existing List' and type in the ticket name. Use the smart search to help find the list name.

B. Process NCOA Results

Open Tools- Data Maintenance- Addresses- Process NCOA Results

1. the default lookup is 'NCOA results lookup'.

2. Filter- Filter the addresses to lookup for NCOA results. See Understanding Filters to learn more.

3. Instead of filtering, you may choose to lookup by ticket number (a.k.a. List) from the drop down list. 

Choose to display 'unprocessed only' or 'All results' for the ticket or filter as selected.

Check "All Details" to show more details on the address results.

4. Click on search the results.

5. The grid will display the addresses that were transmitted for NCOA update.

there are four columns listed on the grid that help explain the results:

a. ResultStatusDescription- There are three result types color coded: Standardized, Move, Error.

Standardized- the address has been standardized and DPV coded OR standardized and partially coded. 

If an account is residing at the address submitted, the result status will be standardized.

Move- the NCOA update shows that the account has moved to the address returned as shown in the results.

Error- the address errored. 

b. ResultErrorDescription- the reason for the 'Error' result status

c. DPVFootNotes- a DPV footnote of 'AABB' means the result was standardized and DPV coded.

Any other footnote (ie- AACC, AAN1), means the results were standardized, but only partially DPV coded. This may be due to a missing apartment or suite #.  Using the 'DPVAddressStatus' column will explain the details of what caused the partial coding.

d. DPVAddressStatus- this explains the results of the DPV coding. 

6. You can use the 'Select all', 'Deselect all' or 'Invert selection' buttons to choose from the list.

6. Click on to process the addresses: You can only process one result type at a time.

The 'Full list' and 'selected' count correspond to the Result alongside it. 

How will each result get processed?

Standardized, DPV Coded- processing DPV coded results will mark the addresses as DPV coded and stamp each with the last NCOA date.

Standardized, Partially Coded- processing Partially coded results will allow you to validate each address at a time. The Address verification screen will pop up allowing you to validate each address one at a time. The addresses WILL NOT each be stamped with the NCOA date.

(see the '?' for a tool tip on the screen.)

Moves- Moves can be handled in either of the following ways:

 a. Add a new address: This will create a new address and inactivate the old address. It will also be set to the default address if the old address was previously set as default. (this option is recommended)

b. Update address: the new address returned through the NCOA results will replace the old address. The old address is lost using this option.The benefit is that any correspondence or mailing with a selected address (i.e.- for Receipt or invoice) is updated and not lost.

Errors- Errors can be handled in either of the following ways:

a. Mark all Inactive: inactivate all addresses with an error.

b. Process individually: The address verification screen will pop up allowing you to validate each address one at a time. After being corrected, you may choose to return to the 'Transmit NCOA request' screen to submit again for NCOA updates.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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