Printing Receipts
  • 20 Sep 2022
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Printing Receipts

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Article summary

Step 1: We need to tell admire that the payment needs a receipt.

  1. When you are saving a payment there is a checkbox of “to print” there. If you want admire to generate a receipt for that payment the check box must be checked, otherwise you can uncheck it. (you can set the default setting in user preferences)
  2. On the payment there is also a setting of how to send the receipt either “mail” or “email”. This is just another way to keep track of the payments and how you want to send them.
  3. When you are sending out receipts through the mail merge you have the ability to setup different templates. If you want certain payments to get a certain template you can choose the template by the “Letter Code” on the payment.
  4. Sometimes a person will give a business check as a donation therefore needing his work address on his receipt for such a reason we have a “Letter Address” option on the payment to choose an address for the payment.
  5. You will also see a checkbox on the payment called “cumulative” this is for a cumulative receipt for the account. For example: Sometimes people give a certain amount every month or week and don’t want a full page receipt for each payment so you can check this check box off and then it will group all the payments in their account where this “cumulative” check box is checked there by giving them one receipt for a bunch of payments. (we will go through the steps of giving them such a receipt shortly)

NOTE: Receipts are usually setup through the mail merge wizard and sometimes through the report wizard, depending on where your receipt templates are setup that’s where you will need to send them out from.

Step 2: Printing the receipts through the mail merge wizard.

  1. Click on the “Mail Merge” icon on your toolbar
  2. Generally you will choose the mailing called “Receipts” unless your organization has it setup differently.
  3. If you do not select a filter then by default any payment that has the “to print” check box checked will get a receipt if you do not want this you must select a filter. Example: You may want to filter out any old payments that never got receipts as you don’t want to send receipts for payments from 5 years ago.
    • Suggestion: If you have a lot of old payments that are still set to generate receipts you should go to the payment maintenance screen, filter for old payments, and set the payments that they don’t need receipts so you can start fresh and only send to people who need.
  4. You can also filter for payments that you set the send via button to “mail” and then run the “email” ones separately so you know what to do with each batch.
  5. Then press “Next” on the bottom right corner.
  6. On this screen you have different options of how you want the receipts to print based on different templates.
    • The button “Merge All” means you want every payment to get the template you chose when entering the payment, if you didn’t choose any template they will get the default template.
    • “Merge Selected” means you only want to send receipts for a few templates and you can check off the templates you want to merge at this time. You will see a total per template on the right side of each listed template.
    • The last option on the right is to “Merge THIS template for ALL” meaning no matter what template you chose on the payment you want all the receipts to print with the template you will choose in the drop down right under the button.
  7. Additionally, on the right side of the screen you have the option to change the design of any template you choose.
  8. Once you are done press “Next”.
  9. If you choose to “Merge THIS template for ALL” on the next screen you have the option to edit the template you chose just for the mailing you are running now.
  10. Press Next.
  11. On this screen you will see all the accounts that are getting receipts now, you can uncheck certain accounts and look through the list as you want. You will also see a total on the bottom right corner. When you are done press “next”.
  12. Here you can browse for a place to save the file of receipts. You can also choose a field to sort the receipts by. Ex: choose “Lastname” and the receipts will be in the order of last name A-Z. If you want it to be from Z-A then once you move the field over check it off and it will sort descending. When you are done press “next”.
  13. Here you will see the file of receipts you just generated, you can open from this screen or from the place you saved it on your computer. Then press “next”.
  14. The last step is to update all the receipts that you just printed so that the next time you run receipts anything you already printed won’t print again. All you have to do is press “update” and follow the prompts.

Step 3: Printing the receipts through the report wizard.

  1. Click on the “Report Wizard” icon on your toolbar.
  2. Choose to run a report, choose the report of “receipts” or whatever the name of the report that was setup for you is.
  3. You can choose a filter if not it will pull any payments where the “to print” checkbox is checked. (same as the mail merge)
  4. Then press “Preview” and it will pull up a file of all the receipts, from there you can save or print the file as you wish. The difference here is that the file is a PDF document as opposed to word document when you run it from the mail merge.
  5. On the top of the report there is a button “Update Now” make sure to press it and follow the prompts so that the receipts will be updated that they were printed.

Step 4: Running Cumulative Receipts.

  1. Cumulative Receipts are usually run much less often than regular receipts as anyone in your system that requested a cumulative receipt usually wants one for the whole year or at least for a longer period of time.
  2. When running them in the mail merge you can take the same steps as regular receipts the only difference is that the mailing is called “Receipts - Cumulative” instead of plain receipts.
  3. Obviously there are different templates for cumulative receipts as there needs to be a different design when you are running one receipt for a few payments.
  4. You can also run cumulative receipts in the report designer just make sure to choose the report for cumulative receipts.

Step 5: Running receipts for a single account.

  1. If you want to print a receipt for just one payment then open the persons account.
  2. Edit the payment to make sure that the “to print” checkbox is checked, if it isn’t check it off and save the payment.
  3. Then you can right click on the payment and press report.
  4. A dialog box will open where you can choose the receipt and template. If you want it to run from the report wizard choose one of the reports listed under “Type: Payments”, if you want it to run from the mail merge choose a merge from under where it says “Type: Payments Merge”.
  5. If you click on a mail merge report you have the additional option of right clicking on the report and choosing a template to merge it to from the ones listed.
  6. Your receipt will then come up in a box and you can double click it to open and save it.
  7. There is also an “update” button to update the receipt that it was sent.

Step 6: Emailing receipts through admire.

  1. To email receipts through admire you need a separate service called advisor, then you can call a service representative so we can show you how.

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