Setting up Marking Elements
  • 20 Oct 2023
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Setting up Marking Elements

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Article summary

Create the Marking Elements:

These are the names for all the marks that can display on the report card. Every course needs marking elements in order to enter marks for the course, and for the marks to show on the report card.  

Go to School>> Courses  

Find the course that you will be assigning Marking Elements to  

Select the Marking Elements Tab 

Select the Add/Edit button (all the way on the right).  

Enter the Display (Name of the Marking Element).  

Credits - how many credits the course is worth (it also affects the GPA scoring). 

Notes - optional field but can be pulled onto the report card if needed. 

Enter the Marking Element Group or subgroup that you want this marking element to be in.  

Enter the Sort – this will control the order of which marking elements will display first, second, third etc.....  

Please note all marking elements sorts need to be consistent for all courses that have the same marking elements for it to be sorted properly on the report card. 

Exclude from average - is for the report cards/transcripts that pull in the average (not GPA). If you do not want a subject to count toward it, you can mark exclude from average. 

You can Export this list once created for future reference (Export button on the bottom right) 

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