Smart Search on Filters -- Like and Not Like
  • 31 May 2023
  • 22 Minutes to read
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Smart Search on Filters -- Like and Not Like

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00:01 Hi everyone. Today we're going to finish off our little discussion about the operators. If we recall, the operators were the various little symbols that you could put on the fields that you're filtering.

00:14 So we had less than equal to or less than we had equals greater than equal to or greater than we spoke at length on our last video about not equals to this funny double symbol over here.

00:31 Like and not like will allow you to smart search, which means the allow you to not necessarily put in the full word.

00:38 You might not know the full word. It could be very helpful to not have to know the full string of characters that are meant to be in a certain field.

00:47 Before we discuss this, which is the in admire, just to show you where the ability to smart search crops up, the magnifying glass, you click on it.

01:02 It actually says smart search. And it is a way to smart search. You can't make a mistake, but you can type in just a few letters COH and you got Cohen.

01:13 This smart search could be used for various things. It could be used for account names, last names. It could be used for first names and last names of individuals as well, although you won't be able to tell over here.

01:28 But for instance, if we search for Pollock, we get Dominate. The reason is because there's an individual who has the name Pollock.

01:36 So even though that's not the account last name, that's the smart search can also search by email. So let's say you know, you don't have a lot of people with AOL and you need to find this person.

01:48 You forgot the name, but you know they had a an AOL email. So you literally could just search for AOL and it'll pull up in this demo.

01:56 There's just one person with an AOL email and you could just click on it and you'll pull up their account and we can see over here that they have an AOL email.

02:05 It also would have pulled it up obviously if the letters AOL in that order were present in the email address itself.

02:13 But over here, it actually Now there are also more smart searches on admire. You can use the open account screen which you can find over here or the search account.

02:25 Here you can click on either open account or search account. Let's use the search account screen right now and and both of these screens have smart searches.

02:34 So over here, you can again search by name over here. You can even search by physical address, which actually you were not able to do on the magnifying glass.

02:42 Let's search by physical address. Let's say we're not sure. We knew it was a person who had this address, a son, son, son, son, son, rise, son, view, son, son, son, set, but it said son.

02:56 So we could go to the address field and search for son and click search and it'll pull up and look at that sunset road, sunset road.

03:05 So there are two people who live on sunset road and it's pulling them up over here. We could also search by telephone.

03:11 So let's say we want to know people who have a 718 phone number. Now, this actually is not going to search by area code.

03:18 You actually in the filter itself, you could do that. You could be more exact. Here, it's just going to search the whole telephone number, any of the telephone numbers.

03:26 So if we search for 718 and we click enter, actually, we got nothing, because we left on the address filter.

03:32 So if you're going to search by a few, you got a so now let's search again, click search. And we have a few accounts over here in this demo, 1 8 718 718 here, we have 8 4 5.

03:47 So we could actually expand this and see why this account was pulled. There may be another phone number. If we expand through drag out this column, we may see another phone number that has a 718 or maybe, as I said, the 718 is just part of the actual phone number.

04:02 So let's see, we had here. Oh, yeah, there's another phone number that has a 718. There we go. We here, we have 73 and the 718 is part of the actual number.

04:12 The magnifying glass symbolizes smart search wherever you see it in admire. So for instance, over here, there's a smart search.

04:20 This is, this is beyond the scope of this video right now. But in theory, you could use the search for the account screen to find accounts automatically that have associations that don't have associations.

04:33 And you could actually scroll through what associations. So one way to scroll through is by clicking the magnifying glass of it, it'll let you smart search for associations.

04:44 So let's say I knew I had an association called email right there. So there are various smart searches. The magnifying glass will always symbolize as it says over here on top of smart search.

04:54 There's the account smart search. There's all the different types of smart searches here. There's actually a report smart search. You can use the smart search to search for what format you want to pull up the accounts in the screen.

05:06 What report as as we said on our first video, what RPT ID. But either way, so I'm really just rolling on about there's various smart searches and admire on the top of adrenaline.

05:18 There's a search bar. That's a much smarter, more advanced smart here. You can search for more things. You can search for all the things that you could do in admire all here on this top search bar.

05:29 We can search for the physical address. We'll type in Sun, click enter, and we'll see the two sunset road accounts.

05:36 We can search by email. Let's do AOL. And we have the gold burgers. We can search by phone number. Let's search for 718.

05:47 And we'll get all these people here. Let's click on one of them just to see. And let's see their phone number 718 right there.

05:55 It would have also showed up if it was in their zip code. For instance, if we do 11691, we'll see these people who live here on 11691.

06:06 So smart search actually is smarter than the ones that admire all though here as well. You cannot make a mistake.

06:13 So for instance, if we wanted to look for sunset road, and we typed in sunset, and we just left out the D, for instance, it's going to say no records found.

06:24 Even if we do a short form of road, it's not going to find it. Since that Rd, we would have to actually search for sunset road or just, or just a small part of it without making a mistake.

06:36 So SU would work as well. Okay. But if we move on, and we want to how you can actually use the filters to smart search.

06:44 Now, why do you have to use the filters to smart search if you have these cool smart searches over here?

06:51 So these cool smart searches are not going to help you if you need to put a smart search on a report.

06:57 For instance, let's say you just need to find a list of accounts that live on roads that begin with the word sun.

07:05 Technically, you by the smart search for address type and sun, and then click search and then click export to export this list.

07:15 However, very often you want a smart search for things that are much more complicated. For instance, let's do a pledge list and we'll make a new filter, call it fourth video.

07:26 And if we go to our account section and we go to basic, well, let's say we only want to see accounts that have pledged to a dinner.

07:35 As we know, all pledges and admire are made to occasions, that's sort of the topic, the thing the pledge is for is the occasion.

07:45 So if we go to occasion set up, you could make a group code called dinner. In fact, we have one over here on this demo.

07:52 And then really, you could search for anybody who ever donated to the occasion group code dinner. And then you don't have that or let's say you think there might be other things called dinner or you're not sure how organized your data was, you would want to filter for all occasions that include the 

08:13 word dinner. But before we get to needing to smart search, since the smart search is not so smart, it won't let mistakes through smart search will not always help you.

08:23 If you're not sure how you spelled something, a smart search might help you if you know, for sure, what a few of the letters it gets, it won't necessarily be the most helpful thing for you to do right away.

08:33 Here, we're going to use a smart search because it's for the dinner. We know we had a bunch of occasions called dinner.

08:39 We know we want a smart search with the word dinner. And we're going to show that. But just realize that often, besides for smart searching, what you would do is you would just leave the operator at equal.

08:52 If you right click, you'll get the build menu. There's many things that you can do on the build, which will help you build a precise filter.

09:02 Now, one of my coworkers actually was very upset that I still haven't mentioned this. And we're up to the fourth video.

09:08 So I need to mention this. One of the most important things that you could do on this build is the list list will give you a list of all the possible things that this field could equal meaning.

09:23 The list that knows what the various answers are in admire if you're searching for a occasion name. The list is telling you these are all the occasion names that you have in your system.

09:34 Don't write something else because these are the ones. Now, let's say you you kept on trying to filter for something and you knew the occasion was called Chinese auction.

09:45 So you kept on typing in Chinese auction and your filter kept not working. The report was not working. So you thought, oh, maybe I spelled it wrong.

09:54 You very carefully C H. No, I spelled it right. Chinese auction, what's going on? If you would right click and use the build and find Chinese auction on your list, you might find, oh, because it spelled wrong in the system itself, or oh, because it has a number at the end of it.

10:15 Now, even when you're typing in a city name, you might not realize exactly how it's spelled, it's just always smarter to find the correct possible answers on the build, because if you find it on the list in the build, then obviously it's in the admirer.

10:29 If you click on it this way, if you click book fee, you click on it, and then you have to click the green arrow, that is for sure a correct field, because it says that it exists.

10:40 Now, there might be no pledges that have that occasion, but for sure you're typing in the occasion name that you're searching for properly.

10:47 So this is a very important basic, basic, basic thing to know about filtering. Now, here, let's say we know it's called dinner, and again, just to go over because we went off on a tangent, just to go over, again, what we're trying to do now, so we're trying to explain the smart search, the like and 

11:04 not like, and we are going to search for accounts on this pledge list. We want to see a pledge list of accounts that have given at any point to a dinner campaign, and we know that all of our dinner campaigns have the occasion name dinner.

11:22 So we want to say we want to pull accounts on this pledge list with all their pledges. We're not going to filter the pledges.

11:27 We want to pull accounts on this pledge list that have at least one single pledge for occasion name of a dinner campaign.

11:35 So occasion name like, and we're going to type in dinner. Now, there's one more step, you can't just click OK.

11:43 The smart search in the filter is not a pure smart to make a smart search in a filter. It needs to have presented sites.

11:51 So let's say we're saying over here occasion name like dinner, you can put a presented sign. It's like a joker.

11:58 This presented sign is taking the place of other characters. It's important to realize that it could be taking the place of no characters.

12:05 This will also pull occasion name of dinner itself. The presented sign does not mean that there must be other characters in place of the presented sign.

12:15 But the presented sign means that there now where might the other characters be only where the presented sign is? This presented sign means that after the field says the word dinner, it can say 2016, 2017, it can say anything.

12:33 This presented sign just means that there are between zero to more than that missing characters that we're not typing in.

12:42 Now, let's say you're not sure where the word dinner is in all of the occasion names. It might be in the beginning.

12:49 Well, you could put a percentage sign in the beginning. That would mean that we will pull accounts that have pledges where in the occasion name has the occasion name or as the beginning of the occasion name, because again, the percentage sign does not mean there has to be anything there.

13:07 So as the beginning of the percentage of the occasion name, the occasion name is dinner something or as the end of the occasion name, the occasion name is last year's dinner or something like that.

13:20 Or since we put two, right, we didn't have to put the second one. And this would just be last year's dinner.

13:25 This would not allow it to be dinner 2016, because we're not saying that anything could be missing at the end.

13:32 But if we put two percentage signs, then this could mean last year's dinner extravaganza or anything like that. So the important thing to realize is that the percentage sign symbolizes that there may or may not be missing characters, but they have to be where the percentage sign is.

13:51 So here, for all intents and purposes, what you're doing, if you say like percentage sign dinner is saying that the occasion name contains the word dinner somewhere in it.

14:01 Now, anything that is not marked by a percentage sign has to be in the exact order that it is. So the occasion name cannot just have D I and somewhere, then there has to it has to actually say D I and N E R with no spaces and nothing in between has to actually say that somewhere in the occasion name

14:22 . Now, this is not a case sensitive. The filters are not case sensitive. Just keep that in mind. Now, you have to be careful not to mistakenly make an incorrect filter.

14:32 If you would write percentage sign space dinner, you could barely even see it. But if you pay attention, if you write percentage sign space and then dinner and then percentage sign, that means that there has to be a space before the word dinner, wherever it is, there could say dinner 10 times in the

14:55 occasion name, of course. But before one of the words dinner, there has to be a space. If dinner is the first word of the occasion name, then actually this will pull nothing.

15:06 But this would work for last year's dinner because there's a space after years unless you didn't make a space. So you really have to know what you're filtering for and what you're doing.

15:16 The smartest way, if you just knew it included dinner, would be to not make a space at all. Why would you get all confusing?

15:22 Just don't make a space. And then as long as it includes the word dinner, then it'll be good. In fact, the space actually makes a huge difference.

15:30 There are times, if we, I don't know if any of you saw there was a post a little while back on the community forum where questions from admired users are asked and answered.

15:41 And there was a post recently about how to filter for grandparents. Regardless of it was a grandparents or grandparents, and it had everything to do with if there was going to be a space in between the percentage sign and the word.

15:55 This actually is an important just show it just to pull a filter. We still haven't pulled a report yet this video.

16:02 So let's just make a space. We'll make a, we'll do percentage of signs space dinner, percentage sign. And we will see because there is nothing in the system that would meet that criteria.

16:12 Of course, it could be possible. But in my system, there isn't. So if we click OK and we try to pull this pledge list, we will see that there will be no data.

16:22 We'll click and it's not pulling any data for me. Now if we would on the other hand, click edit, go back to our filter, click on accounts and get rid of this little space, this little space, which you might not even notice and click OK.

16:35 We'll suddenly find a whole fancy pledge list. And we'll see that all of the pledges were made by accounts that gave at these ones to a pledge with the occasion named dinner.

16:48 So we have the abbots, our favorite account, they have given to the dinner. Now the raffle pledge, the pledge that they made to occasion raffle is also showing up of course because we didn't say what pledges should show, we just said what accounts should and the abbots have given to a dinner.

17:03 They've actually given to two dinners, maybe more, three dinners they've given to. And this is all fake data anyway. Here, the Abrahams are showing up, they have a few pledges here, but they've given to at least one dinner.

17:17 So that's good. Now, let's say let's X out of this report, let's go back to our filter. Let's say we actually added a space after the word dinner and then we clicked OK, that would still pull up a lot of pledges because as long as it says dinner 2016 and there's a space in between the word dinner it'll

17:41 pull it up because these are occasion names that contain dinner space. So here we have dinner space, dinner space. All these pledges are from accounts that gave to an occasion that includes the word dinner space.

17:56 Now, if we go back to our filter and let's let's take out the space again, we actually could put in more percentage signs.

18:03 We could if we would put in and this is again, a silly in this case, but in theory, just to understand what's going on here, we could do D percentage sign R, percentage sign N, percentage sign N, percentage sign E, percentage sign R, and then another percentage sign.

18:21 So this would actually mean let's stretch the sounds so we could see it in one glance, percentage sign D, N and E R.

18:28 So here, what this means is that the occasion name that we're filtering for could start off with anything at some point, it has to have a D.

18:38 In fact, it could start off with more Ds, but at some point in regards to what our filter wants, it has to have a D and then it could have anything afterwards, space, letters, anything, but it has to have an I and then anything and then an N and then anything and then anything and then anything other

18:53 than an R and then anything. So what this means is the occasion name has to contain D, I and N, E, R.

19:00 They don't have to be together, but the only thing they do have to be is they have to be in order because these percentage signs don't mean that the occasion name contains a D and an I and an N and then it means that the occasion name begins with something or begins with nothing and then has a D and

19:19 then has anything or nothing and then has anything or nothing and then has and so on and so forth. Let's discuss what not like means.

19:30 If we put a percentage sign in the beginning, then this would mean we want to pull accounts that have at least one single pledge with the occasion name not being something or nothing and then dinner.

19:43 This would mean that the account has to have at least one pledge whose occasion name does not end with the word dinner.

19:52 If I would put let's say two percent of signs, one here and one here at either end, then it would mean we want to pull accounts which have at least one single pledge where the occasion name does not include the word dinner.

20:07 Okay and now we're almost done but let's finish off with a little very short. Oh this is really got a short.

20:15 I'm sorry. Short-long discussion of how do not have what interact with like and not like. Okay this is going to be fun.

20:26 Everyone buckle your seat belts. Now I guess I guess if you're tired of me just shut the video off. I'm not going to talk about anything else.

20:33 I'm just going to talk about the relationship between do not have and like and not like. So if you're if you're fed up with me then wait for the next video.

20:42 This is good to know. Now we were trying to pull a pledge list and we were saying we want to see pledges done our pledge list from accounts that have at least one single pledge where the occasion name is for a dinner campaign.

20:56 Right. It's in includes the word dinner. Now let's say we say do not have the net would mean on our pledge list.

21:03 We want to see account. We which means we want to see pledges from accounts that do not have even one single pledge with the occasion name including the word dinner.

21:14 Meaning very simply they've never given to a dinner campaign. We only want to pull accounts that have never given to a dinner.

21:20 It's the exact opposite of have. So have was we want to pull accounts that have given to a dinner at some point.

21:29 Do not have means they've never given to a dinner. They have no pledges for the occasion name includes the word dinner.

21:35 Now let's say we say do not have pledges to occasion name not like percentage sign dinner percentage sign. So this would mean you want to see pledges where the accounts do not have even one single pledge to an occasion name that is not like something dinner something meaning.

21:57 We want to pull accounts that do not have any pledges to an occasion name that is something other than an occasion name including the word dinner.

22:07 Meaning we want to pull accounts that do not have any pledges where in the occasion name does not include the word dinner.

22:16 So an easier way to understand it is if we separate if we compartmentalize in our head. Let's look at what this is.

22:24 Just the field. Let's not talk about that it do not have. Let's just think occasion name not like something dinner something.

22:32 This means an occasion a pledge with an occasion name that does not include the word dinner anywhere in it. So if we start off let's think what it would mean to have pledges with occasion name not like dinner.

22:47 So that would mean an account has pledges at least one pledge to an occasion name that does not include the word dinner.

22:55 Meaning something other than dinner. They've given to something other than a dinner. We don't know if they've given to dinners or not but they've given to something other than a dinner.

23:04 So if we say they do not that would mean they have never given to something other than a dinner. So it's the opposite.

23:13 So I think that's easier. Compromentalized occasion name other than dinner would mean the account has given to something other than a dinner.

23:22 Do not have would mean they have never done that. So this would mean we want to pull on our pledge list.

23:28 All pledges for accounts that have never given that do not have even a single pledge. They've never given a pledge to something other than dinner.

23:38 Have they given to dinners? Who knows? We said do not have just means that they don't have this. We don't know what they do have.

23:45 We'll talk about how to make focus of course for what they also do have. Then you could narrow things down very exactly what they do not have what they do have what they do not have not like what they have different than etc etc etc.

23:58 But here what this filter would mean is that you want to pull pledges on our pledge list that are from accounts which have never given a pledge to an occasion name that was anything other than the dinner.

24:12 Meaning if they ever gave to us? It was to a dinner. They never gave to anything else. Did they give to a dinner?

24:19 Who knows? But they definitely never gave to anything other than a dinner. So if we pull this pledge list we will only see dinner pledges because we're only looking for account that have never given to anything other than a dinner.

24:36 So I'm just going to pull that report show it to you and I'll let you go until next time. If you want to ignore this.

24:46 Okay let's zoom in. We will not find anything other than dinner pledges. Dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner da-da-da-da-da,

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