Submitting Tasks to Consultants
  • 17 Oct 2023
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Submitting Tasks to Consultants

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Article Summary

The first step of submitting a task is understanding what the issue is. The second step is to clearly give over as much information with the initial question so that your Admire Consultant can properly assist you. 

Submitting a Task

When you need to submit a task, we would like to help you as soon as possible. To help us with this, please include the answers to these questions in as much detail as possible and send screenshots or videos so you Consultant can see exactly what you are seeing.

  1. What are you trying to accomplish? 
  2. What screen are you using? Ex: Report Wizard, Mail Merge, Attendance Entry...
  3. Are you on Admire, Adrenaline or Parent Portal? 
  4. Are you trying to run a Report or something similar? 
    1. If yes, what is the name of the Report you are trying to run? 
    2. What is the name of the filter you are currently using? 
    3. If the filter has prompts, be sure to include a screenshot of the filled in prompts.
  5. What troubleshooting techniques have you tried so far and what were the results? 
  6. If your Admire/Adrenaline is down – is this for all users or specific users? 
  7. What is an example of an Account Id that this problem is showing up in (i.e. this account is not showing up on the report and it should)?  If there is a common factor between multiple accounts please note this.
  8. If the issue is with text messaging, have you followed the instructions on the Message Log documentation to get the status and the error message?
Including Screenshots and Videos of your Screen
To take a screenshot on Windows:
1. Open your Snipping Tool. (You can use your search bar to pull this up.)
2. Draw a snipping area over your full Admire screen.
3. Copy the image and paste it into Paymo.

To record a video of your screen - you can use loom. To get loom setup, follow the instructions on their Getting Started documentation -

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