Understanding the Columns in the QB Export
  • 26 Sep 2023
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Understanding the Columns in the QB Export

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Article summary

Here are the columns in the QB Export and what they mean:


  • This column is for Exporting to the Integration App only and will not show up anywhere in your QuickBooks.


  • This column is also for Exporting to the Integration App only and will not show up anywhere in your QuickBooks.


  • This is the name you assigned to the Batch/Deposit.  In Admire it is called a Batch with a Batch name.  In QuickBooks this is referred to as a Deposit.  
  • In the QuickBooks Deposit screen this information will show up on the top Memo right after the Date. (The Default for this box in QBs is "Deposit", this will override that and provide you with a way to search for your batches/deposits in QuickBooks)
  • You can search for a specific deposit in QBs by searching for Memo = the specific batch/deposit name.

Deposit Date

  • In Quickbooks this is the date that the Deposit/Batch was recorded on. 
  • If you have a Deposit Date on your Batch in Admire it uses that date, otherwise it puts in today's date (the date you use the QB's Integration App).


  • This is the name of the Financial Institution where you are actually depositing the funds.  
  • It is one of the Banks on your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts. 
  • The Export gets this value from the bank that is linked to your Admire batch.
  • In the QuickBooks Deposit screen this shows up in the dropdown where it says "Deposit To".
  • If this information is exactly the same in Admire as in QuickBooks, it will get auto-matched with the QB Integration App.


  • This is the Admire Occasion where the payment was recorded under. 
  • If you choose to do the Export based on Payment Method only then this column will not appear.
  • In QuickBooks this is called "Received From".  It is the account in which the funds were received from, generally it pulls from the "Customer/Job" list.  It can be left blank.  
  • You can have your Admire Occasions put into QuickBooks as Customer/Jobs (exactly as they appear in Admire) and then the QB Integration App will auto-match it.  
  • If your Admire occasion names do not match your QB customer/job name you can store the QBs value under Occasion Setup, Accounting Name. 


  • This column is used only for QuickBooks and is not pulling Admire information. On the QuickBooks Deposit screen it is called the "From Account".
  • This is the income account from your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts where you want the money to be put into.  
  • You would need to manually select it from the QBs Chart of Accounts once you load the export to the QB integration app.   
  • If this information is always consistent, i.e. Dinner Occasions always go to the income account called "Dinner Income" then you can reach out to your consultant to have our Professional Services Team create it so it can auto-match on the app.


  • This data is pulled from the "Method" field from the payments you entered into the Batch/Deposit in Admire.
  • This is referred to as the "Pmt Meth." in QuickBooks and delineates what kind of payment you are recording (ie Cash or Check).  It can be left blank.  
  • If you choose to do the Export based on Occasion only, then this column will not appear.


  • This is the second Memo field in the QuickBooks deposit screen - the one that is on the bottom, in the "spreadsheet" part and appears per line item.
  • The Export puts the following  Admire Payment data in this column: 
    • If the payment was not applied to any pledge it will say "UNAPPLIED".
    • If the payment was voided it will say "VOIDED".


  • This is not pulling data from your Admire and is not something that all clients use in QuickBooks.
  • If you use Classes in QuickBooks this is where you would select the class in the QB Integration App.  
  • If you are consistent with your classes and Occasions you may be able to have Professional Services set this up to auto-fill in the QB Integration App (i.e. Tuition occasions always go to the class Program Services: Tuition).


  • This data is pulling from Admire and is telling you how much $$$ for this Occasion, Payment Method and Batch is being deposited to QuickBooks.

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