- 16 Dec 2024
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Cancel a Payment
- Updated on 16 Dec 2024
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Cancel a Payment
To record a voided payment, issue a refund, mark a bounced check or remove a scheduled future payment in Admire you would need to cancel a payment.
How to Cancel a Payment
Go to the account with the payment you wish to cancel.
Find the payment under the Payments tab or under Activity and click on it to open.
The payment opens on the right side with all the details.
from the top right corner.
from the drop down menu which appears.
Payment will be voided.
The amount will be recorded as $0.
A note will be added to the payment indicating who canceled the payment and when.
A pop-up will appear with additional details if canceling this payment requires more action.
Bounced Check
Follow the steps above to cancel a payment when you unfortunately have a bounced check that you need to record.
A pop-up will appear giving you the option to
. Select this option.
The following screen will appear:
You can create a batch to record this bounced check on, or add it to any open batch. (The Admire Rebuild can have a negative transaction on a batch.)
Check off
if you would like to add a bounced check fee pledge to this account.
when done.
Canceling a Credit Card Payment
When choosing to cancel a charged credit card payment, The New Admire communicates with your credit card processor to complete this transaction. There is NO need for you to login to you processor's terminal to void or refund the charge. The void/refund will be reflected in the correct credit card batch as well, ensuring that your batches are accurate!
If the credit card charge you are trying to cancel did not settle yet, it will issue a void.
The charge will not appear on the credit card batch.
If the credit card charge you are trying to cancel DID settle, it will issue a refund.
The negative charge will be included in the correct credit card batch automatically. (The New Admire can have a negative transaction on a batch.)
When the transaction is complete you will receive a notice on the bottom left of the screen what transpired.