Simplifying Credit Card Payment Imports
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Simplifying Credit Card Payment Imports

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Article summary

Here are a few pointers when using the New Admire’s Import Feed feature for importing payments you wish Admire to charge and/or Donation Schedules.  [Please refer to the Donation Schedules to clarify the difference between Installments/Recurring.]

Admire uses your mapped fields to determine what you want us to do with the data, therefore you need to make sure you have the proper fields in place to accomplish your goals.

Your third party platform will generate an export that usually includes everything that is needed, which you can easily map.  If you are creating your own spreadsheets, our consultants are happy to help you if needed.

How to Import a Payment that tells Admire to Bill it:

If a payment date in the past Admire assumes that it was billed and will NOT attempt to bill it.

To import credit card payments for Admire to bill you need the following fields (in addition to basic account fields) to be mapped on your spreadsheet:

  • Date - that is in the future.

  • Credit Card Token - this is a data string that will allow Admire to charge the card.

  • Credit Card Last Four Digits - this allows Admire to store the card information while being PCI Compliant.

It is Important to Note:

Admire uses your mapped fields to determine what you want us to do with the data, therefore you need to make sure you have the proper fields in place to accomplish your goals.  

You can have a spreadsheet that includes donations that are a combination of Installments and Recurring.  Then you would need the fields marked for both, however the field does not have to have a value in it for every row.  

  • The ones that are Installments will have those fields populated while the Recurring fields will be empty and vice versa.

How to Import Installment Schedules Correctly:

When Admire is billing the future installments:

To import credit card payments for Admire to bill as installments you need the following fields (in addition to basic account fields) to be mapped on your spreadsheet:

  • Date - that is in the future.

  • Credit Card Token - this is a data string that will allow Admire to charge the card.

  • Credit Card Last Four Digits - this allows Admire to store the card information while being PCI Compliant.

  • Installment Total / Pledge Amount - the total amount of the pledge. Example: for a $1,200 pledge of $100 × 12 months this field would have 1200.

  • Installment Qty - how many times the installments gets billed. Example: for a $1,200 pledge of $100 × 12 months this field would have 12.

  • Installment Create Scheduled Payments - this is a True or False data column.  If this row has a donation that should be an installment it would be marked True, if not it will be marked False.

How to Import Recurring Schedules Correctly:

When Admire is billing the future recurring donations:

To import credit card payments for Admire to bill as recurring donations you need the following fields (in addition to basic account fields) to be mapped on your spreadsheet:

  • Payment Amount - the donation amount.

  • Date - that is in the future.

  • Credit Card Token - this is a data string that will allow Admire to charge the card.

  • Credit Card Last Four Digits - this allows Admire to store the card information while being PCI Compliant.

  • Recurring Schedule Interval - how often this donation should occur, choose from: days, weeks, months, years.

When Admire is NOT billing the future recurring donations:

If the credit cards are being charged via an alternate website and you do NOT need them to be charged in Admire, LEAVE OUT the following fields:

  • Credit Card Token - this is a data string that will allow Admire to charge the card.

  • Credit Card Last Four Digits - this allows Admire to store the card information while being PCI Compliant.

Additionally you MUST INCLUDE the following field:

  • Recurring Schedule Pledge Only - this field should be set to TRUE.  With this you are telling Admire that the recurring donations should be PLEDGES only and then you will manually import the payments as they come in.

How to Batch your Imported Credit Card Donations:

There are a few options that you have when Batching your Imported donations.

  • Use the prefill option to create one batch for the whole feed and dump all the donations in there.

    • Use this option when bringing payments which were all billed at the same time and are in the same batch.

    • Remember you can edit your prefills to update the batch each time you import.

  • Have a Batch Name as a column on your spreadsheet and map it.  Then each record can be assigned to a different batch.

    • This option is good when you are importing transaction that are in different batches and all of the batches already exist in Admire.

  • Do not use any of the above and Batch all your payments at a later time in the Batch Manager Screen.

  • Use the field Batch ID -this field generates from the card processor and tells Admie which batch the payment belongs to.  

    • Admire will check if we already have this batch in your database and then add payments to that batch or create a new one if needed.

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