- 29 Jan 2025
- 2 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Letters: Generate Manually
- Updated on 29 Jan 2025
- 2 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Send Individual Letters
Find the pledge/payment on the person’s account which you want to send.
Click on it to open it fully in the right sidebar screen.
from the top right corner to open the menu options.
Letter = Payment Acknowledgement
Letter = Payment Acknowledgement or Receipt determined by Payment Method.
Then choose either Email or Print.
If a Letter was already created the following will pop-up:
will override the previous Letter.
View Past Letters
From the Letters Page
Every Letter that was sent out through Admire is listed in the Letters History.
Use this screen to retrieve documents already sent out or printed. Here you can reprint them, resend them via a different delivery method then originally set up (switch from Print to Email for vice versa) or simply view them.
Select the
icon from the Admire sidebar.
The Letters page will display.
Select the second tab:
Select the account you wish to reprint. You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple Letters.
Click on the
button that appears in the top right corner.
The document will generate as a PDF and download to your computer.
Alternatively, select the
at the end of the line and select either Print or Email from the menu that appears.
Additionally, you can select
to preview the document.
From the Account
All Letters that were generated and either emailed or printed are available for viewing on the account level. They can be resent from here the same way they were originally sent and viewed a pdf.
Open the account with the information you wish to view.
On the right side of the page is the Activity section (boxed in red). You can view all generated Letters here.
Recent activity displays first.
You can search to find a specific Letters type.
Select the down arrow next to
Select which Letters you with to view from the menu
All the Letters of that type that were sent out will display.
Select the item to display it on a larger screen with more details.
to view the actual document as a PDF in a new tab.
From the Pledge/Payment Screen
All Letters that were generated for a pledge/payment can be viewed and resent from that actual data's screen itself.
Open up the account with the pledge/payment you wish to view the letter.
Select either the Pledges or Payments tab depending on what you would like to view.
Scroll to find the pledge/payment and click on it.
Pledge/payment details will open in the right side.
Scroll to the bottom to view the Letters information.
Click the
down arrow to expand and view more details on the Letter.
to open a PDF of the Letter in a new screen.
Viewing Skipped Letters from Lists
Go to
the Data Center and
Select either Pledges or Payments depending on which kind of Letters you wish to see.
Click on
Select Letter Status and then “is skipped”. Filter should look like either of these:
Click on any record on the list to open it.
You can choose to now send the letter by following the steps at the top of this page: Send Individual Letter.