- 06 Mar 2024
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Rayze.it & Other Online Campaign Integration
- Updated on 06 Mar 2024
- 8 Minutes to read
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Rayze.it & Online Campaign Integration:
- With Associations
- This method will create an association in Admire for each Raiser (Participant/Team/Dryver etc.). When donations come in, the pledge will get a pledge association of the raiser that brought in that pledge.
- This is the Admire RECOMMENDED method.
- If you use this method with the online platforms: Rayze.it and Dryve, Admire can connect directly to those platforms eliminating the need to download the Pledges/Payments Spreadsheets.
- The Participant/Raiser Spreadsheets MUST be downloaded by ALL platforms.
- However, you CAN integrate with ANY online platform by downloading the spreadsheets yourself and making sure the headers are set up as per instructions below.
- With Obligations and Credits
- This method creates an obligation in Admire for each raiser of how much they need to raise. As donations come in, a credit will be applied towards that raiser’s obligation.
Using the Association Method:
Participant Import
- This will associate all of the Raisers/Teams accounts with an Account Association so you can easily identify your Raiser accounts (to run reports or lists).
- Additionally, it will create Pledge Associations that link the Raiser's Web ID to their Admire Accounts eliminating manual entry of all new Raiser Associations.
- The Raiser's Web Id gets stored as a global merge field on the association and the Raiser's Admire Account. Then when importing pledges this Web Id gets stored on the pledge association as well.
- When importing the pledges/payments, the Raiser's WebID is placed in the Association column. The system then matches it to the correct Raiser based on the link created above when "Match Association on Global Merge Field" is checked off.
- The Raiser’s link and goal will also get imported as global merge fields on each raiser’s account.
- If you are using a fundraising platform other then RAIZE.IT you can still use this method. You will need to have a list of raisers with a WebId and have that same WebId listed on the Pledge/Payment downloads.
- You can bypass this import by creating your own Associations manually, putting them under an Association column in a spreadsheet with your pledgesand then skip to General Financial Import.
- First set up the System/User Preferences for this import.System/User Preferences to set before doing Participant Import:This is found under Tools -> User Options -> Preferences -> Web Import
Although each Pref is listed twice the should only be filled out ONCE!- Participant Import Account Association To Add - (Red) - Choose an account Association to add to all of the Raisers' accounts (Ex. "Raiser 2024").
- Participant Import Association Group - (Blue) - the Association Group for the new Raiser Pledge Associations.
- Participant Import Prefix For Associations - (Yellow) [Note: this is optional] Specify a prefix to add before all the new Raiser PledgeAssociation Codes
- Association Codes get created using the format of LastName,FirstInitial,ActID (e.g. Cohen,A7896)
- The prefix gets added before the LastName
- This helps to show which Occasion these codes are for (e.g. RDCohen,A7896 and RCWeiss,Y5469)
- Go to Tools -> Standard Web Import
- Select "Participant Import" from the dropdown list titled "Import Type"
- Select the ... button to search for the spreadsheet and hit "Load" If you need assistance Uploading your Spreadsheet to AU-Azure:Click here for Azure Browser, and click here for Azure Desktop.
- These are the column headers for this import:If you are using a platform other then Rayze.it/Dryve:You can export your participants and then configure the data to match the column headers below so you can do this import too.
- ActId, WebId, Date, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, PhoneCell, Email, Link, Goal
- The column called WebIdmust be filled in order for the Global Merge Fields to work.
- If you do not have the columns called: Link and/or Goal then create a blank column with the field name as it's header.
- AssocitationCodeOverride - this header is soon to be released!
- If you have additional columns in your spreadsheet it will just ignore them.
- Select the Accounts you would like to import. (Use the "Select All", "Select All Unmatched" and/or "Invert Selection" buttons to assist you).
- Hit the "Match/Create Accounts" button to go through the accounts 1 by 1. Please Note:If any of your Raisers/Teams do not have Admire Accounts yet you can create NEW accounts for them when doing this.If you need assistance with the Match/Create Accounts Screen:Go to the documentation on Account Import, Tab 3:Match Existing, Step #15.
- When you finish Matching/Creating Accounts hit the "IMPORT DATA" button.
- Where are these new Associations? How can I see the Global Merge Fields?You can view the new Associations in the Association Editor/Setup Screen
Go to Tools -> Association Editor
- Select the Association Setup tab
- Look for the new Association Group (created in step #1[part2-blue])
- Your Associations should be listed below the Association Group name.
- Right click an Association to view the Global Merge Fields on that Association
Where can I see the Global Merge Fields on the Raisers Account?
- Go to a Raisers account
- Click the icon circled in red on the screenshot
General Financial Import
The General Financial Import is a tool used to easily import donations/pledges from a spreadsheet into Admire and match it to your database. Here we will explain how you can use it in your Online Campaign.
- Connects to Rayze.it page, downloads the information into a table in a set file location.
- Pick up that file directly from Admire with the General Financial Import - Rayze It Download.
- This saves you the step of downloading file, choosing it and loading to Admire yourself.What you need from Rayze.it vs Dryve:
- Rayze.it:
- Event Code
- API Key
- Dryve:
- Authentication: Username & Password
- Rayze.it:
- Go to Tools -> Standard Web Import
- Choose General Financial Import from the drop-down list titled "Import Type"
- Check off Rayze It Download/Dryve Download and select the Occasion that this Rayze It/Dryve is for.
- Go to the Settings.. button right next to the Occasion dropdown.
- The following screen pops-up (Rayze.it)
or (Dryve)
Rayze.it/Dryve Settings:- URL - provided by Razye.it/Dryve
- Event Code -provided by Razye.it - Current Campaign - It can only import ONE campaign at a time!
- File Location - if you are on AU-Azure it will auto fill, otherwise choose where you want to save the downloaded file.
If it does NOT autofill - please reach out to your consultant. - File Name Prefix - if you leave this blank it will name the export with that day's date, otherwise will put the date after the Name Prefix filled in here.
- API Key - provided by Razye.it/Dryve
- Last Downloaded ID -
- Initially set this to 1 (NOT 0)
- Will auto up-date as you download
- Can be adjusted to re-load data or skip data - just change # accordingly
- Quantity to Load - default is 50 - adjust it here
- Current IP Address - if not using AU-Azure then ask Razye.it/Dryve to whitelist in order to download the data.
- For Dryve: Username and Password
- Hit "Load" to load your spreadsheet onto the Import screen.
- Now your data should display on the screen. If a column is highlighted in RED:
- If it is your Association Column with the WebIds - you need to check off "Match Association on Global Merge Field" as will be mentioned below.
- For any other column it means that the information for this column is missing and MUST be filled to continue.
- Use this toolbar to make updates/changes to the columns in the spreadsheet:
- First select all records you want to update/change (e.g. Select all records that belong on a certain batch)
- Then select the update/change you want to make (e.g. The name of the Batch from the Batch drop-down)
- Now you can select the fat black down arrow to update/change the records. (e.g. It will now add the Batch name from step 8b to the payments selected in step 8a)
- The pledges/payments will be linked back to the Raizer via the Association Column
- If you used the Participant Import above then Association Column will have the WebID and it will link the pledge to it.
- Make sure to check off "Match Association on Global Merge Field"
- The system does allow for both Association and Web ID to import. However this is not recommended as they both have the same data (although 1 appears as WebID and the other as Names) since it would create double Pledge Associations. Therefore, we recommend that you delete the entire column titled Association2.
- For more information on this topic see the Association and WebID mentions in this article here.
- If you are using an online platform other then Rayze.it/Dryve then name the column with the Raisers/Teams: Association.
- Tip: You can create a Pledge Association straight from this screen!Right click on the Association from the Association column, and select Create Association.
- Hit the "Match/Create Accounts" button to go through the accounts 1 by 1. If you need assistance with the Match/Create Accounts Screen:Go to the documentation on Account Import, Tab 3:Match Existing, Step #15.
- When you finish Matching/Creating Accounts hit the "IMPORT DATA" button.
Viewing Your Campaign in Adrenaline:
You can easily view what each Raiser/Team brought in in Adrenaline.
- In Adrenaline, go to Fundraising -> Campaign Overview
- Select the Current Occasion to be the one associated with your current Online Campaign (boxed in red on screenshot below).
- Go to the Associations Tab on the Campaign Overview screen (boxed in purple below).
- Select the Association Group that you gave to all the Raisers/Teams in the Group dropdown (boxed in blue in above screenshot).
Using the Obligations & Credits Method:
This method creates an obligation in Admire for each raiser of how much they need to raise. As donations come in, a credit will be applied towards that raiser’s obligation.
P2P Obligation Import
- Use “P2P Obligation Import” to create the obligations.
- An obligation will get created on that account with the “Goal” being the obligation amount.
- When running this import it will insert a global merge field on the obligation, of the RaiserID (runner ID)
P2P Donation Import
- Use the “P2P Donation Import” to import the donations.
- As the donation is imported, it will create a credit on the raiser’s account.
- This import selects the obligation based on the RunnerId field on that donation.
Post Campaign Cleanup:
It is normal in the course of entering data from an online campaign that duplicate accounts creep into your database. Admire highly recommends that you use the Manage Duplicates screen post campaign to weed out these duplicates and unwanted accounts.
Here is a way you can bring up the new accounts entered recently and compare them to the rest of the accounts in the database in order to see if some new accounts are really duplicates.
Run this filter in the Manage Duplicates Screen, putting in the dates when you did the Online Imports:
This is pulling any new account created between the dates that you put in (either use a prompt or hard code it). Make sure to select the Option "Any Account" so it will compare the new accounts to any account on the database:
Follow the directions here to learn how to use the screen further.