  • 23 Jul 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary


All Reports in the Admire Rebuild start off being created as a List.  When saved the List becomes a Report which includes the filters, the column order and any other changes made to the List.

  • To create a List/Report, go to the Data Center image(150).

  • Click on .

  • A drop down menu will appear with the List types.

  • Select one to get started.

List Types

To decide which type of List you should choose you need to ask yourself:  "What do I want to see a list of records on?".  

  • Accounts = list of people, no financials.

  • Pledges = list of donations pledges.

  • Payments = list of actual money received.

  • Contact Logs = list of notes and activity logs stored on accounts.

  • Entities = list of Entities.


After you choose which List Type you need the Lists screen opens up.

The filter bar is set on the left while the data shows on the right.

Most lists start off with a blank filter, however by some List Types there is a default filter, we assume you need, already in place.  Such filters and all subsequent filters are easy to remove.

Adding a Condition

  • Once you select a List Type, all records of that list type will display.  

  • A condition/filter is something that limits and restricts.  Adding a condition will narrow down your list.

  • Select to start filtering.  

  • Scroll through the options or use the search bar to find the filter you need.

  • Instead of symbols < > =, the filter uses words.  

  • Use the drop-down arrow to expand and select the one you need.

  • A field that has a list to choose from like Campaign, will have a drop-down list you can select from.  Use to expand.

  • Choose “is one of” to allow selecting multiple options on a field like Campaign.  Your selections will appear in the box above.

    • In the example above, two campaigns are selected: Dinner 2023 & General Donation 2023.  They display in the box above.

  • Click to add another condition to the one you already made. This is like adding an “and” to your filter.

  • Select to update the List/Report based on the conditions you entered.

  • A summary of all conditions will appear on the top of your list of data.  You can easily remove any of them by click the X in that box.

Amazing Admire!

The data displayed on your report is LIVE!  Refresh your browser to update and include recently entered information.  

Additionally, you can click on any data and it will open up!  Accounts will open up on a new tab in your browser.

Adding a Group

  • This is adding on an alternate set of conditions to your list/report, it is like choosing “or” on your filter.

  • Click on .  The Or will appear, and the box will expand to allow you to create the filter.

Adding Columns to Your List/Report

You may want to add additional fields as columns to your list/report.

  • Select the gear located on the top-right of the list/report column names.

  • All available field columns are listed. Scroll to find the one you want or use the search bar to find it.

  • Select next to each column to toggle off or on.  (Dark purple = on, greyed out = off.)

  • To change the order of the columns:

    • Select at the end of each column turned on.

    • Drag it to the desired location to put in the order you wish.

    • When you see a dark purple line where you want it to go, drop it there.

  • Select when done.

Adjusting Your Columns

  • You can change the order of the columns by dragging the column itself and dropping it where you want it to be.

  • The List/Report is generally sorted by the first column shown, ascending order.  

    • Select the arrow that displays when you hover over the column title to change the sort to descending or vice versa.

  • Adjust the width of the columns by hovering between the column names and using the Resize Cursor that appears.

Customizing Columns Viewed on Mobile Device

When viewing a list/report on a mobile device the custom columns will not display or disappear as they do on a standard computer.  The default display will never change.

  • You can view the custom column changes by selecting the down arrow next to each record and expanding it.

  • The rest of the display will remain the same even if these columns are removed.

  • However, when taking the same report and opening it up on a regular computer it will display according to the customization.

Viewing Columns on Download/Export

  • Only the columns displayed on your screen will download/export.  

  • If you want additional columns on your download/export you must toggle them on to display on the screen and then download/export the report.  

  • Conversely, if you want to see less columns then toggle them off first and then download/export.

  • When downloading as a PDF only the columns that fit on the page (with landscape orientation) will appear.

Saving a Report

Downloading your List/Report

You can download your list/report without saving it first.

  • Select from the top right corner, next to Save as Report.

  • Choose either Download CSV or Download PDF.

  • Once you make your selection, the file will download to your Downloads folder.

Save as a Report

Saving allows you to easily access this list as a report for future use.

  • Click on , located on the top right corner.

  • Name your Report in the box labeled “What is this used for?”.

Naming Your Report

There is no need to name your report with the filter it uses as this will be recorded and displayed anyhow.  Instead name the report in a way that answers the question “What is this used for?”.

  • Description - this is not mandatory but is helpful for the future giving yourself or other users more details on what this report displays or can be helpful for.

  • Here is where you assign Permissions to your Report.

  • All Reports must be Organized and are saved in a folder.  If the folder you need does not exists use to make it here.

  • Learn about Data Folders here.

Report Permissions

There are 3 permission levels you can assign a report:

  • Anyone can view or edit

  • Anyone can view, only owner can edit - with this option only the creator of the report can make changes to it.  However, other users can access it and save as a new report and make changes to that one.

  • Only owner can view or edit

Unsaved Edit Options

When you make changes to the filter of a saved report  will appear after the Report’s Name on the top-left of the screen.

  • Click that  button and a drop-down will appear with three options.

    • Choosing will save the filter changes that you made to the original report.

    • , leaves the original report as was but creates a new one in addition with the updated filter.

    • , deletes all changes you made and reverts the filter back to how it was originally.

  • If you ignore and do not do anything, the saved report will remain with the original filter and your changes will not be saved anywhere.

Opening a Saved Report

Whenever you open a saved report the screen displays with the filter/conditions hidden with just the summaries on the top.

  • Click on to expand the filter part of the screen.

Updating Data

Besides the Data Center being the place to access lists and reports, it also allows you to make bulk updates!

  • You must select a record on your list for the Update options to appear.

  • Click on or to access.  Your options depend on which List Type you choose.  (Currently there are no bulk updates for Entities.

    • Fill in the requested information and select to update all the selected accounts.

  • Click on to add a new tag to the selected accounts.

    • Select the tag you wish to add from the list or search for/create a new one by typing in .

  • You can use the Shift key to select multiple records.

  • Selecting the box at the top of all the data will only select all the records ON THAT PAGE (max 50).

  • It is Important to Note:

    You can only update the records on one page at a time.  If you select one record from page 1 and another record from page 2 BOTH will NOT update!  It will only update the records selected from the displayed page.

  • Both Contact Logs and Notes can be added in bulk here.  

    • Select a record

    • Select Update Account → Add Contact Log

    • Choose either .

      • Contact lets you enter in: Date, Format, Topic & Summary.

      • Note lets you enter just a Summary.

    • Click  when done.

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