- 14 May 2023
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Student Browser Tabs
- Updated on 14 May 2023
- 7 Minutes to read
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Medical Tab
Enter medical information for the student and medical affiliates such as doctors and emergency contacts.
Family Tab
Displays the parents marital status and account ID's. It also provides a list of immediate family and another list showing grandparents and great- grandparents.
The first section specifies the marital status of the student’s parents. If they are married there is only one possible account link. The place where a second account can be entered is disabled.
If the parents are divorced or separated, there is an option to enter two separate accounts; one for the father and one for the mother.
In the above example, the default account is the student’s father’s account.
Clicking on the arrow button on the right side of this section, allows you to reverse the account numbers that were inserted for the father and mother.
Specifying marital status of a student’s parents, and linking the student to the parent(s) account is very useful. Some reasons are:
- for filtering purposes.
- Parent Teacher Conference scheduling is based on the account ID’s that are entered for the father and/or mother (and in the case of a married marital status –parents). Therefore, the parent/father/mother field must be filled in to ensure that appointments will be set up for the student.
Beneath the marital status section, there are another two sections in the family tab. The immediate family section is displayed first. The relationships appear underneath the immediate family members.
The immediate family section displays all individuals included in student’s linked accounts. (These are usually siblings) Any individuals linked to the parents/father/mother account will be included in this display. If the student is linked to some other account as well, the individuals on that account will also be included in this section. The bold members are the primary individuals on the linked accounts.
The relations section displays all grandparents and great grandparents of the student. Grandparents are entered by putting relations onto the students account. This is taken from the relationships that are listed under the student’s individual account or parent/mother/father account. See how to setup these relations here.(Note: even if the student is linked to some other account, if it is not immediate parents, the relationships on that account will not be included.)
Affiliates/Forms Tab
Affiliates are contacts for the account or individual.
Examples of ways to use Affiliates:
- Medical Affiliates- doctors, dentists, etc.
- Emergency Affiliates- Emergency contact information
- References- for family references that are affiliated with the student.
When setting up a new affiliate, you can choose to affiliate with one student or for all siblings on the account.
Affiliate Type Setup
You can find the setup screen by going to Tools>> Affiliate Type Setup.
Affiliate Type Setup Screen
EMS and Medical affiliates are the preset affiliate types. To create new affiliates, click on NEW
and then enter the following information.
- Name- the affiliate Name (i.e- Medical)
- Color - to color code the affiliates in the student/staff browser. Click on the
to choose a color.
- Sort- the order to display the affiliates in the student/staff browser click on 'Apply' to save before setting the configuration.
- Configuration- how should the affiliate be configured and used?
- Right click in the configuration box to add a new or edit the configuration.
- There are three points to configure:
- Which screen should the affiliate be displayed?
- Is the affiliate going to be set up for each student/individual or for all students on the account? Optional will allow you to choose when adding affiliates.
- Does the affiliate need an account setup or not? You could store the affiliate with or without an account ID. If there's no account ID, the affiliate will not be part of your account database. Check if required.
- Click OK to save.
5. Details: Details are optional and can be used to define the affiliate types.
Examples: Medical affiliates may need details to identify a physician, dentist, etc. Or, emergency affiliates can have detail for neighbor, aunt, friend, etc.
Add the Detail and click on the Arrow to add to the available details.
Click OK to save and close the setup screen or Apply to save and keep the screen open to continue the Affiliate Setup.
Student/Staff Affiliates
Open the Student or Staff browser to add the affiliates for the student/staff.
- To add a new affiliate, click on
(bottom right corner) on the Medical > Affiliate tab or the Affiliates/Forms > Affiliate tab.
- Choose the affiliate type, affiliate detail (if applicable), account or individual (if optional).
- If the affiliate was configured to require an Account ID, click on Account ID to find the affiliate's account from the Open Account screen.
- If the account does not Exist, after clicking on "Account ID" click on "New" on the Open Account screen to create a New account.
Even if the Account ID is not required, it is helpful to select an Account ID for the affiliate's display information.
- Optional: Choose an individual from the Affiliate's account. Use the
icons to Edit or add a new individual to the account.
- Enter the Affiliate's Display Name. If the Individual is selected, click on
to auto-populate the individual's name. If there is no individual name selected, the Account display will be auto- populated.
- Choose the main telephone contact for the affiliate from the drop down list, if the Account is filled.
- Enter the Telephone to contact the Affiliate. If the account is selected, click on
to auto- populate the account's telephone number.
- Enter any notes.
- Mark as 'Current' or uncheck to mark an affiliate as non-current.
Press OK to save the Affiliate and it will now display on the screen.
Forms can be used to track required documents for an account, student, or staff member. Currently it is used in the Staff and Student browsers. Examples of forms you may need to track: Birth Certificate, Immunization Records, Permission Slip, Photo Release, etc.
Form Type Setup
Tools>>Forms>>Form Type Setup
To create new form types, click on New
- Name – the form Name (i.e. Birth Certificate)
- Color – to color code the forms when displayed. Click on
to choose a color.
- Sort – the order to display the forms
- For – the type of records this form can be linked to.
- Account – will be linked to the entire account
- Student – will be linked to the student
- Staff – will be linked to the staff member
- Registration – will be linked specifically to one registration
- Term – will be linked to all students on the account but only for specified term
- Expires When – when the form expires
- Never – form by default does not expire
- Manual – expiration date will be set manually
- Interval – expiration date will be calculated based on specified interval (i.e. 3 months)
- Cron – expiration date will be calculated based on cron schedule (i.e. first of the month)
Click on Apply to save before setting the display locations.
- Display Locations – where should this form be displayed? (School/Staff Browser and Medical/Other tab)
Press OK to Save and close the setup screen or Apply to save and keep the screen open to continue the Form Type Setup.
Update Forms:
You can update the forms in bulk by going to Tools >> Forms >>Forms Admin>> Update Forms
You can filter for specific forms to pull up and select whichever ones you want to update.
Associations Tab
Like all associations, the associations tab allows a student to be linked to a particular association. This is a way to flag students. The association could be for the student in general or just for the specific term, depending on how the association was set up.
Classes, Enrollment, Schedule, Attendance and Marks
Clicking on these tabs will pull up information set up for this student.
Note: The information in the tabs is related to the registration of the student that is selected in the registration section on the top right. By selecting a different registration for the student, different information in the tabs will be filled in reflecting that registration. (Look below to see how the Class Name changes when a new Term is selected)
Education Tab
You can record educational history using the Education tab.
- Set up education types by going to Tools >> List Editor and type in the type of school, such as Bais Medrash or Seminary
- Set up institutions by going to School >> Setup >> Institutions and enter in the institution information
To record educational history on a student right click in the education tab on the student >> New >> enter in the information
You can browse through the student records using the record navigator at the bottom of the screen:
- to move to first record
- to move to previous record
- record counter
to move to the next record
- to move to last record
to open the new student screen
You can also save, delete and print the current record using the buttons on the bottom of the screen.